We build brands that make you want to eat, drink
and live within their narratives and experiences.
Bodega is the place where the Gaucho Duo of Branding Designers Artur Cunha and Eduardo Brandalise meet to discuss brands. Between some Italian Vermouth and bits of pastrami sandwich, here we share our passion for fresh, tasty, interesting visual and verbal narratives.

Co-Founder and Creative

Co-Founder and Creative
In our trajectory, we have worked with AdAgencies, big brandings studios and clients ranging from large corporations, such as AB InBev, PepsiCo, and Heineken, to cafes, delis, bars, and restaurants, from Los Angeles, New York, Kuwait, and Porto Alegre to São Paulo, Auckland, Budapest, and Istanbul.
Between giant companies with huge internal marketing machinery and small to medium-sized businesses that maintain the brand experience closer to decision-makers, it was the second option that won us over.
Our Latin American heritage gives us a natural born passion for studying people’s behavior and our universal literacy and experience draw us closer to contemporary best practices.
That’s maybe the reason why Hospitality and Food&Beverage brands and investors naturally have chosen us. And we embraced them. By incubating our methods and KnowHow at the segment we developed an understanding on how to build sexy brands.
In recent years, we have helped to build, strategically and visually, brand universes for dozens of Food and Beverage and Hospitality businesses. Making sure the experience journey between the product/service and the customer is much more than just going out to grab a bite/drink.

Our branding practice comes from an alignment between cultural understanding, strategic mindset and visual exercise. Each project and client has its own ways, so we like to create the gameplan after understanding their reality and needs.
The gamplan is always built after the creative briefing alignment, where we understand the scope of work, tools and skillset will need to be applied. Normally they are connected to one of these 3 big steps;
We love to think about how behavior and social aspects make brands and products attractive and maybe even loved. Through an anthropological perspective with the human perspective as the focus, we understand the cultural environment to which the brand belongs.
Possible Deliverables – Brand sprint workshop / Brand canvas / Brand positioning / Naming / Brand verbal Narratives Short, medium, and long term brand prognosis / Launch strategy and brand communication
A brand needs to deeply understand itself and its audience to make its narrative really work. Through our strategic practice, we study the project’s essential truths, who it wants to impact, and what needs to be done to make it happen in an assertive way. We make sure the communication between the brand and the public runs smoothly.
Possible Deliverables – Brand sprint workshop / Brand canvas / Brand positioning / Naming / Brand verbal Narratives Short, medium, and long term brand prognosis / Launch strategy and brand communication
Design is a solution that goes far beyond aesthetics. Through design, we can positively impact people and help companies and brands thrive in a period as challenging to undertake as the one we are currently living. As a transformation tool, we create impactful visual universes that facilitate the problem solving and the creation of dialogue between the brand and the consumer.
Possible Deliverables – Visual identity / Packaging / Editorial Design / Illustration /Brand Retail Ambience (Interior Branding)/ Art Direction for Content Projects / Brand Launch