That Folk Power

We build brands with the potential to become Folkloric.

The Folk Approach

We like to think that in every value proposition there is something particularly strong that enables the brand to become naturally charismatic.

It’s a given that companies wants to perform well and have an effective dialogue with its consumers.

But our obsession is to build narratives that enable them to navigate between the customer’s heart, pocket and mind smoothly. Brands that evoke moments of joy. And makes you excited to touch the product’s packaging and/or inspired when in its physical or digital environment (shop/ecommerce).

We like to build brands that become conversation. That eventually merge with folklore.

We believe there are some formulas for you to be able to achieve this Folk PowerTM

A Contemporary look at Hospitality

Understanding a little bit beyond the delivery of the basic needs for food and shelter, ambitious branding oriented professionals understand the difficulty and complexity of the hospitality and Food&Beverage segment and act accordingly to build brand value.

The constant competition demands speed and dynamism in reading and executing your business plan and marketing strategies. Niches are created faster, diets and socio-cultural movements reinvent markets and, therefore, only products and services that are attentive and strong-rooted, manage to present themselves prominently.

Cultural Fit and Strong Positioning

It is highly important for brands to connect with their socio-cultural environment and understand the values they share with their consumers.

To name a few…Sweetgreen(US), Paper Boi Paris and The Coffee(BR) are some of the brands that have internationalised their concepts mostly because of their ability to build within the costumer experience, an attractive narrative, faithful to their business and brand positioning.

Understanding the growth of fast casual salad shops, Sweetgreen invested to build momentum for the brand, creating a safe and fun environment for conscious flexitarians to eat and exercise their environmental-friendly lifestyle. The results followed up. They had boom and now we can see them developing their strong purposeful brand universe all across US continental country.

Paper Boi understood, thanks to its geo-location (Oui!), that fashion could be a cool platform to surf and turned its experience and uncomplicated products into something so cool that their cheese-and-egg sandwich still causes huge lines of people waiting to get a hand at it. Not that their sandwiches are their main source of revenue, as their merchandise, general-store products and collaborations with other brands are their real money-maker. But boy, it’s fun to eat there.

To use a more tropical concept, The Coffee(BR) embraced the To-Go coffee culture and created a visual concept so well put and cohesive that its store facades and signage are in the palm of every young person connected to the creative market in Brazil’s big cities.

The truth is that brands that understand their surroundings can promote new types of conversations with more ease and even unlock natural resistances to certain concepts. These brands showcase new angles, invariably communicating truthful, strong and efficient stories to fall in love with.

We saw this happening closely. Identifying the strongest point of its positioning and catapulting it to the core of the brand, Tio(Uncle) Burgers n’ Fritas, one of our main clients in 20/21, built an unique selling point going mad clear and direct with its clients. In a segment carachterized by Fancy and Gourmet arguments they could easily fall into Fancy Burger Joints pool.

Together with the client’s team, we build a brand that explores the exact opposite of fancyness. Speaking to the customer’s heart, straight up. Not hiding his point of view, Tio Burgers took off and gained prestige for its strong positioning and unapolagetic tone of voice. No bullshit. Fair prices, fair play.  Like it or leave it.

“Well Done, Only Tomorrow”

Everybody liked it. So the “family” grew, even during pandemic times. The client opened another Burger Joint focused on Sliders, called Sobrinho Burgers (Nephew) and the expansion project of the Tio brand is in fact in the process, 2 new stores are to come, in addition to the creation of a new brand Burro Burritos, that take advantage of its industrial kitchen to tackle delivery-only oportunity gaps in the market.

Tio’s great success is due in large part to the bold and no-frills verbal narrative, which ensures an incredible connection with its highly engaging social media presence and unique in-store experience. A true, relevant and sexy core brand narrative.

Naming and Verbal Narrative as Protagonists

Brands that make you want to eat, drink and live within their narratives and experiences. Brands that invariably enter your home, cell phone, whatsapp group, tiktok, Sunday barbecue. That’s what we pursue constantly.

A good name that evokes the right associations in consumers minds. Verbal concepts and tone of voice that resonates with your audience. This is another secret that Folk Brands know how to explore.

By choosing a strong and sarcastic personality and a colorful and fun graphic identity for O Culpado(The Guilty One), a gaucho Donut Shop, we created a brand that literally became an alibi for consumers who wants to skip their diets. There is a culprit for your slips.

By linking the playfulness of the name concept and a colorful packaging, we allowed the brand to have fun with its consumers.

Art Direction focused on Appetit Appeal

Another aspect of a successful brand is the ability to arouse the desire for consumption. That Gut feeling (literally) that makes you click on Instagram’s “See More” button or the product’s preview thumb at the Delivery App to execute the order.

The creation of some Behind The Scenes content that values the complexity of creating a good pastrami, the effort to find the perfect light features to showcase the cured salmon right hue or the ability to execute the shoot to enhance the crunchy texture of the Creme Brullé Donut.

Those are a few of the inputs we adressed when directing brand contents or imagery and that makes a huge difference. Especially for operations that are presented in a digital environment, the investment of appetit appeal is a game-changer.

Straight Forwarded Clients Value Design

There are really, many aspects that make your brand more desirable.

The aptitude of the project manager at the client’s side and its team are for sure great starting points to a good Branding project development.

Identifying the importance of design as a construction and thinking tool when building your brand and business is certainly fundamental for a highly desired brand with the potential to become Folkloric.

Liked the points we’ve shared here? How about some coffee? Come talk to us.

We promise to provide some insights on how to make your brand standout.